Start @ 11.2.2021
Finish @ Inzidenz ≤10
Online - HGB Rundgang
By the intermedia classwork in progress


Start @ 11.2.2021
Finish @ Inzidenz ≤10
Online - HGB Rundgang
By the intermedia classwork in progress

Let's make an attempt.
We remain in this attempt, we do not have a point, the last solid thing that remains is the space. Privileged are those who have one.
Let's make an attempt.
The walls would only be thin membranes. The walls would be skin. That which is out there is older than the Anthropocene, it cuts and diffuses through the membrane of our cell.
We build a space, we build a place because to build and to live means: to be in the world.
Digital space presses itself into memory through repetition just as physical space does. This is how the psyche forms. And just like nature, the digital does not forget. The disruption, the glitch and the failure would be our murmuring entourage. Our capsule would be a process.

"Living with the dissolute wallpaper-art of the interiors of that time [...] was like being woven in, spun into a spider's web, in which world events were scattered, hanging around like undressed insect bodies. One does not want to separate oneself from this cave."
Walter Benjamin

Start @ 11.2.2021
Finish @ Inzidenz ≤10
Online - HGB Rundgang
By the intermedia classwork in progress

Es ist noch Suppe da

Housing: Safe and nourishing space in a community ensuring your physical existence giving you a feeling of protection and safety versus narrowing, rigid structure making it difficult to develop individual selfishness.

Photo staging and intervention//installation in public space


"very prima here",
like a fragment of old time, part of the past. Perhaps an excerpt to mum or grandma. Perhaps a part of previously unwritten
The work "Mail" is a postcard that I can write. That I want to write. Online about a stranger to a stranger, to a familiar. Mail is real. Paper and text and stamp and letterbox I and letterbox II. In between, a postman or postwoman and lots of keys on a key ring. And then there is this stranger in between, a mediator.
Stranger, familiar, both.

Postcard, 2021
More info about Laura:


Motherhouse Video_1 is a portrait of an ordinary, provincial apartment building. Through video editing, the house is bypassed in still shots. There is something heavy, oppressive and isolating about this architecture. The absence of people, the audible proximity of a flight path (Konrad Adenauer Airport) underline the effect of the video sequences. Building and housing as petty bourgeois compulsion. Space, place and walls possess inscriptions and information and create hermeticism.

Video 3'05"

Gerade eben war's doch noch so schön gewesen

a distant touch
a slender me
a touch, a touch
my weary eyes,
pinned to the ground
such gooey grounds
oops, how'd we end up here.


Leisure, Shared

A hand sets the scene: a picnic. A scene of leisure (perhaps conspicuous) enjoyed in company. Fragmented descriptions of leisurely activities written by Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë accompany the setting of a picnic. The boundary of leisure and labour is blurred. The objects are imbued with a sense of happiness & familiarity.

Video, 3'48"

To be and to be

"To be and to be" is a video work about the change of identity (s) through motherhood. What is left of the old person when there is no more time as a mother to live them?
The work poses classic feminist questions to our society.

Video, audio, coloured, 2'37", 16:9, 2021
More info about Helga:

A Home for Ideonella

In recent years scientists discovered wild bacteria, such as Ideonella sakaiensis, that can metabolize different types of plastics. “A Home for Ideonella” places small refuges (homes) for bacteria in the Leipzig riparian forest. These fluffy knitted items made of polyester wool are a new source of carbon for the forest and give soil bacteria the opportunity to make an evolutionary leap in a new direction.

Online-Map / Installation
More info about Julia & Sophie:

Street b.c.

In Clara's room, you walk along the road that Clara always has to take on her way from her flat to the university. The photos convey the beautiful, ideal pre-corona era, showing the street before corona.

approx. 20 min
26 photos
Mehr info about Clara:

The coquettish unredeemable love afflicts the powdery temperance

Leaves can be glimpsed in a diffuse background. These leaves seem to break through a boundary and then become visible, only to disappear again (as the wind wills).
The film music picks up on this moment when a melody is heard through a noise atmosphere.

Pictures: Bernhard Bormann
Music: Sabine A. Fischer
3'11", 3:4, 2021
More info about Bernhard & Sabine:


Gliding through the invisible space.
Receiving signals:
rushing, buzzing, pulling and dull throbbing.
A glimpse into the bubbling.
Taking in, absorbing.
Feeling the tentative blurring of inside and outside,
observing the liquefaction.
What remains is the effect, the affect.
The self writes itself on,
supplements, substitutes, merges, digests, utilizes, becomes.
The control center takes over, the journey continues.

Digital installation, 3D scans, sound (loop)
More info about

Fluid reality

"Fluid Reality" is a video created with suggestions and perceptions recorded during the pandemic, melted together with the digital in a psychedelic way.
The video highlights the passing of time the speed of transit, the beauty of nature and the power of imagination.

Video 13'56", 2021


The first episode of oenothera is part of an ongoing series of audio plays with 6 episodes.
oenothera is an adventive-plant, taken with colonial goods to Europe, where it settled on railways, abandoned opencast minings, around cotton factorys. Searching for its resistance and the poetics of its appearances leads me through dusty herbariums, botanical books, alchemist drawings into the dark. Because that’s when it flourishes.

Audio, 5'41"

The reality of Alba’s dream
The dream of Tina’s existence

KUNSTWERKE 36 is conceived as a video performance and a collage that deals with various moral values of the 1960s, thereby transporting their content into the present. Raised among others are questions related to feminism, technicism, faith in progress, and poetics, all of which continue to exert their influence during the 21st century. The post-utopian, ironic gaze of the artists on the spectacularised world of commodities refers to positions adopted by the critical avant-gardes of the 1960s and 70s, while these are updated with an orientation toward the transformed historical context of a globalised world of commodities.

The video consists of 6 segments, each of which introduces 6 household objects; 36 appliances or furnishings in all are thereby designated as works of art. The length of each segment is determined by the duration of the song, which lasts 4.06 minutes.

Video, 4"06', 2004 – 2005


„Anxiety“ est la représentation d’un moment de vie, où l’ennui vient se heurter à nos pensées ainsi que nos angoisses. Mêlant vérité et fiction, „Anxiété“ raconte l’histoire d’une femme née dans un monde avec une marque indélébile, permettant reconnaissance et contrôle. Cette marque cible l’anxiété ainsi que son sexe, lui retirant alors toute capacité. Le contrôle allant jusque dans les pensées, ne laisse aucun répit à celle qui le subit. La femme finit par manquer d’air.

Video installation, Loop 7'38", 2021


The work "Turbulence" is a monologue in a space that is located between A and B and offers somewhat less support.

The concept was originally developed as an installation in a lift. Before it was realised in 2020, the real situation changed. Now the concept is shown in a different form in a virtual space.

HD without sound, 3'48"

mi casa, a broken relation und ich

in "mi casa, a broken relation und ich" the room, that one inhabits, resembles a snow globe, when you shake up its movable elements often enough: the occurences stay the same & the movement comes to a standstill. the law to isolate, and the impossibility to actually want to leave the space become an endless loop. I shake myself between the occurences and end up always in the situation of insecurity. the sheer infinity of possibilities in the combinatorics of shaking is the reflective apparition of the glass dome above me, and is thereby only seemingly unending. there is no escape from the situation – my shelter is only a trap.
-Julia Ahlert

A digital audio installation

Techno House - Part 2

Techno House 2 est la deuxième partie d’un triptyque de compositions audio-visuelles, reprenant cette fois-ci les codes esthétiques publicitaires de la plus grande enseigne de magasin de meubles au monde: IKEA.

La norme de décoration de nos intimes intérieurs sort tout droit des catalogues, des publicités et d’internet. Mais comment se fait-il que notre bonheur soit si étroitement lié à ces tendances ?

Bien que la fantaisie décorative d’un objet ne serve pour la plupart du temps pas ou plus son utilité, elle est synonyme de la promesse d’une vie plus personnalisée, plus heureuse.
Lorsque l’objet a perdu son utilité, l’attachement à son esthétisme perdure. Le calendrier papier, la vieille machine à écrire ou l’appareil photo dysfonctionnel vintage, si toutes les carottes étaient vendues épluchées, peut-être accrocherions-nous de l’épluche carotte au mur de la cuisine comme symbole du passé.

A travers cette composition, l’intérieur domestique se révèle de plus en plus mystique et animé, représentant poétiquement le contrôle de notre société de consumérisme qui se cache derrière les objets domestiques.

Video 4'06"

Start @ 11.2.2021
Finish @ Inzidenz ≤10
Online - HGB Rundgang
By the intermedia classwork in progress

1. structure of the online environment

Our tour is divided into a three-dimensional environment (3D), which can be experienced in all directions, and "classic" web pages, on which one navigates as usual (like the web page they are currently on).

The control in the three-dimensional spaces is oriented towards 3D computer games. Here, the mouse control is used to move the head - i.e. field of view - and the keyboard is used to control the movements.

2. Controls

You can walk in 4 directions:
W - Key : Forward
S - Key : Backward
A - Key : Glide to the left side ( One step to the left, so to speak )
D - Key : Glide to the right side

You always move with W in the direction in which you are currently looking, analogously with S then backwards or with the tests A and D 90° to the side.

There are two more buttons for interacting with our art room.
I - Button: Pressing it always opens an information text
↵ - Button: The "Return" or "Enter" button takes you from one virtual room to the next

In our 3D environment, you always get a hint when you press I or ↵ to trigger something.

3. Tutorial (by Laura Därr)


Start @ 11.2.2021
Finish @ Inzidenz ≤10
Online - HGB Rundgang
By the intermedia classwork in progress



Start @ 11.2.2021
Finish @ Inzidenz ≤10
Online - HGB Rundgang
By the intermedia classwork in progress

0:00 - Turbulenz ( F.Kato) | 2:22 - Techno House - Part 2 (V. Siron) | 6:45 - Sein und Sein (H. Hagen) | 9:18 - Anxiety (A. Girault) | 17:06 - Leisure, Shared (S. Joyce) | 21:01 - Fluid reality (C. Rocchi) | 35:12 - Mutterhausvideo_1 (L.B. Becker)

Start @ 11.2.2021
Finish @ Inzidenz ≤10
Online - HGB Rundgang
By the intermedia classwork in progress

Prof. Alba D'Urbano

School of fine arts



Project management:
Alba D'Urbano, Fumi Kato, Lennard Becker, Bernhard Bormann

Project supervision and artistic assistance:
Fumi Kato

Class Intermedia

Alba D'Urbano, Annika Stoll

Lennard Becker

Programming 3D environment (Godot Engine):
Felix Almes with the support of Nicolas Reichelt, Michael Ohme und Clara Freund

Modelling of the 3D environment (Blender):
Annika Stoll

Info and help texts:
Johanna Maxl

Website and web design:
Bernhard Bormann

Graphic design Invitation:
Camilla Rocchi

Public relations and social media:
Lennard Becker, Wayra Schübel

© 2021
Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig and the authors* of the texts, images and 3D icons.