Guide: Tom Schremmer

18:00Meeting at Mendebrunneni invite you to question and consider: i will give you a few impulses for you to reflect on. if i say something you like, take it with you. but be aware that our first destination is a ceremony of mourning. so treat these impulses with reverence.
how fragile are they? how fragile are our realities when we were only permitted by decree to go for a walk or go shopping for several weeks?
what fragility do you perceive in yourself even on the first short stretch?
is a funeral march fragile?
18:35Moritz Bastei
Merlin Maximilian Meister
the artist is personally very affected by the death of insects, especially bees. here he holds a three-day vigil to morn the extinct bee species.
nature is to be understood as a fr-agile interactive system of many forces…
the “down to earth” exhibtion interestingly tries to approach the topic of nature-human relationships through topography, similar to us. visualizing nature spatially, not as a concept.
there are already several international projects to save nature. of course, with technology. developing robotic bees that could do the necessary work of pollination for fruits.
work is being done to genetically modify bees to make them more resistant to pesticides.
it reveals the fear humans harbor, but also the important roles insects, especially bees, play in our “civilization”.
in Germany alone, over 37 species of bees are considered lost or extinct.
the very fact that we have a word for nature, in my opinion, imprints nature with the stamp of the inferior. a rise of man above himself. the latin world actually means birth, ‘being born’. we have borrowed it since the 9th century, especially since the advent of science (natural history) in the 18th century, for all areas rich in plants, thus indirectly also meaning animals and thus differentiating ourselves. however, nature does not have to be untouched by man.Bruno Latour rightly claims that there must finally be more coexistence of technology, i.e. civilization, and our being born in the world. amazingly, this leads us to social and existential philosophy. perhaps bees are the link between civilization and nature. their very structure as a “colony”. that brings them close to us. the female. the industrious. the amazon?after visiting the memorial service, i asked myself: are we still living in the anthropocene? or has “nature” long since struck back by retreating. like a Leviathan, Gaia seems to be turning against us.
thus the fight of the Anthropo-Leviathan and the Gaia-Leviathan. Hobbes and Latour.
Hobbes’ image of the Leviathan was supposed to be a scientific instruction to educate humankind rationally. with the help of the union of church and state.
let’s reflect on this… on the cooperation of science and state, nature, the pandemic and our living together.
we will now walk along Peterstraße, where there are traditionally many signs and windows: during the historical Leipzig Trade Fair there were crowds of people, a forest of signs and many shop windows and shopping stalls in front of which the fair visitors stood in amazement: 600,000 residents and over 500,000 visitors, hardly imaginable proportions.
Leipzig is no longer a fashion city since the decline of the fur trade at the Brühl. in the past, 70% of fur trade was done here. during the GDR era, important fashion shows were held during the trade fair, western mail oder companies such as Otto and Quelle bought their goods at low prices. that has changed: in my eyes, it is a city that very much wants to reveal where someone comes from politically and topographically. left, right, green, conservative, LGBT: it’s not about a collective feeling like the Düsseldorf chic or Parisian haute couture. for the people of Leipzig, it’s all about their facets. they use the open atmosphere of the city to present themselves as they are. the street acts as a kind of showcase for one’s own personality. a window to observe people in a very succinct way, so: observe the people, the street is full of sensory impressions:
are you close to nature, or far away?
how much nature do we see?
how do people behave, do they avoid?
do they wear masks?
do they admonish themselves?
and is this the leviathan? or a basic moral attitude?
allow for clichés and reflect upon them.
the next work is not to be seen,
it is a text work in film format on the website, it is called:
Natalia BougaiI AM HERE “i
like the windows
a house opposite
off and on
does anyone see me?
dashing windows
in the car
off the tracks
i see them
stop and go
do they see me?
i am here
i am”
the work is autobiographical.
it deals with the windows of the everyday life.
the window as protection.
opacity and transparency or permeability are a pair of opposites. it’s about the visibility of others and of oneself. the content of the fragility is shaped by the questions such as: “do they see me?”
the work raises questions and is a statement at the same time: “fragile is our presence behind the windows. seemingly invisible, we are nevertheless present.”
at the vegetable market, a place of nature.
bringing nature to you, that’s what many did during the lockdown: gardening, balconies, etc.
ca 19:00Naschmarkt • Restaurant Alex
Bernhard Bormann
let’s look into the topographies of nature of the past: at the architecture of the 1920’s: the garden cities like Marienbrunn in Leipzig.Bruno Taut
Le Corbusier
Walter Gropius
the garden city was originally a concept developed by the British urban planner Ebenezer Howard. Grünau was designed by the GDR not only to be green, but also to be low-traffic. much lower-traffic than newly planned neighborhoods around the Bayrische Banhof, Hauptbanhof and Freiladebanhof.
the german garden society had members like Franz Oppenheimer and Magnus Hirschfeld. Hirschfeld was a famous sexologist, who, for a long time, published exclusively with the Leipzig publisher Max Spohr, the only publisher that allowed publications which were not heteronormative. political struggles mixed with the need for fresh air, beauty. freedom and nature.
again we are living in such a time! are we again at a turning point? if so, in which direction are we tipping?
the next installation has had a difficult run. neither retail store nor church wanted to show the work, and so it sits on a 19:20Nikolaikirche Nordseite
Clara Freund
since the Monday demonstrations, the St. Nicholas church has had signs which read that they are open to all. against a dictatorship. today, Monday demonstrations in particular the "resistance" has been occupied by right-wingers. open to all. emerging right-wing extremism already existed during the GDR. There were even anti-ethnic alternative groups during the Monday demonstrations, because to many, the call for a unified fatherland did not correspond with the idea of international.this location at Richard-Wagner-Platz was also a location of the Black Lives Matter movement, which gathered here. of all the places at the Richard-Wagner-Platz, the police station around the corner…, the station of the prowl, doesn’t that come from the hunt?maybe you would like to briefly reflect on why police violence, BLM and other movements are emerging now, of all times? I mean, really collectivizing too. let’s start with the most obvious: authority, at the memorial stone of the anti-racism initiative in Leipzig for Iraqi Kamal K, who was murdered, a time based intervention will take place. ca 19:45Unterer Park
Alba D'Urbano
there will not be enough time to read out the entire list of those who have died because of right-wing extremism. I hand over the mic to Alba.
