// Alba D'Urbano
History() {
Group Exhibitions;
Solo Exhibitions;
Work in Public Collections;
Curatorial Projects;
} Lectures;
Group Exhibitions;
Solo Exhibitions;
Work in Public Collections;
Curatorial Projects;
1955 | born in Tivoli near Rome (I) |
1974-78 | Philosophy studies at the "La Sapienza" University, Rome (I) |
1978-83 | Graduated from the "Accademia di Belle Arti", Rome (I). Major: Painting under Professor Enzo Brunori |
1985-89 | Master-student in Visual Communication at the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin (D). Major in Film, Video, Sound/Slide productions. |
1987 | Editor's grant from the german television network ZDF "Das kleine Fernsehspiel" for the realisation of the video "Kreis, der" |
since 1987 | Participation on numerous Film- and Media events with Videos and Videoinstallations (European Media Festival Osnabrück (D), "Femme Cathodique" Paris, " Biennale of Videoart" Fukuja, Japan, etc.) |
1989 | Nafög-Grant, Hochschule der Künste, Berlin (D) |
Grant from the company, Röhm GmbH, Darmstadt (D) for the completion of a project. | |
1990 | Eurocréation Grant, Paris, for the Institut für Neue Medien, Frankfurt/Main (D) |
Move to Frankfurt/Main (D) | |
1993-94 | Lectureship at the Institut für Neue Medien, Frankfurt/Main (D) |
1994 | Lectureship at the Hochschule für Gestaltung, Offenbach (D) |
1995 | Professorship of computergraphic at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig (D) |
1997 | Move to Leipzig (D) |
1998 | "Kunst und Papier auf dem Laufsteg" (fashion show), Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin (D) |
since 1998 | Headship of the class of Intermedia at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig (D) |
1999 | Presentation of the Installation "Divina" and lecture at the conference "Art and Computer Science", Evangelische Akademie Tutzing (D) |
2000 | "outside", Performance at the Kunstforum, Berlin (D) |
since 2000 | Curatorship within the activities of the school (→ Curatioral Projects) Work as an artistic duo together with Tina Bara (→ Website) |
2003-04 | Professorship at Università Libera di Bolzano, (I) |
2006 | Project subsidy German Federal Cultural Foundation: "Eine Frage (nach) der Geste" |
2009 | Project Grant Stiftung Kunstfonds: "Covergirl: Wespen-Akte" |
2012 | "Herbstgarten", 3rd price of the competition to design Leipzig's Monument to Freedom and Unity (with Anna Dilengite and Tina Bara) |
2021 | Left teaching activities at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst (Academy of Fine Arts), Leipzig (D) |